28 December 2009

Intercultura Consult ICC

Intercultura Consult ® is a private initiative active in the field of arts and culture cooperation.

Since 2004 our partners and clients are public organisations, creative professionals and teams in Bulgaria and in Europe. ICC is a partner in international and intercultural projects. In Bulgaria ICC will offer you a purpose-built intercultural strategy and targeted project development. In Europe ICC can develop a project-based international team.
ICC offers the know-how, skills and techniques of experts in: Arts education and training • Culture & Cultural policy • Creative industries • Languages, media and design

Edison 1 A - 6 Str. 1111 Sofia, Bulgaria
E: info@inter-cultura.eu W: inter-cultura.eu
T: 00359 (0) 884198354 F: 00359 720 620 14

23 December 2009

uqbar e.V.

The association uqbar – Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. aims at promoting contemporary art and culture, above all implementing, supporting and hosting projects, which dedicate themselves to the research and promotion of experimental, interdisciplinary artistic and cultural practices in the international context.

The activities of uqbar are based on project fundraising, networking, and international cooperation. Uqbar has been beneficiary of grants by the European Commission, Culture 2007-2013 and Culture 2000; the Danish Arts Agency; the French Embassy in Berlin; the German–Czech Future Fund; the Hauptstadtkulturfonds Berlin; the Italian Cultural Institute; the Venetian Region, Italy; the mobility fund Movin’ up, Torino; the European Cultural Foundation.

The name “uqbar” was taken from a novel by the writer Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). In Borges’ novel the word “uqbar” is an entry in a fictitious encyclopaedia. The word is a construct, a letter combination without meaning, used by the author in order to show how knowledge and meaning are constructed. The problem of the constitution of meaning, signification and interpretation is central to the discussion around the term of the representation. Representation in the broadest sense means a switching procedure, which functions through references and replacement, and is an integral component of each art form.

The association uqbar - Gesellschaft für Repräsentationsforschung e.V. (en.: Society for Representation Research) was registered on 20 January 2004 into the register of associations in Berlin, Germany (Amtsgericht Charlottenburg, Nr. 23 104 Nz). The association is classified by the German fiscal authorities as non-profit and for public benefit.


In spring 2007 cultural producer Dorothee Bienert, Dortje Drechsel, Marina Sorbello and Antje Weitzel have opened to the public a project space in Berlin-Wedding, a multifunctional space for exhibitions, meetings, presentations, seminars, conferences, screenings and workshops, featuring Berlin based and international artists.

Board of management / Curatorium

Dorothee Bienert, Dortje Drechsel, Marina Sorbello, Antje Weitzel

Address and Contacts

Schwedenstrasse 16

D - 13357 Berlin/Wedding

T + 49 (0)30 460 69 107



About ANIMATED Learning Partnership

ANIMATED is a project resulting from the cooperation between Intercultura Consult (Sofia), uqbar e.V. (Berlin) and Vivo Foundation (Budapest). The ANIMATED partnership shares best practice encouraging communities to participate in innovation through culture.

Culture operators from Bulgaria, Germany and Hungary are involved in this capacity building project on programming learning and creativity. The object of exchange are work methods engaging communities to participate in the multicultural, creativity economy of Europe.

ANIMATED intensifies collaboration among EU cultural sector professionals. Dissemination activities involve learners from the local stakeholders. Mobility-related workshops enhance the dialogue between public, non-governmental and citizen level stakeholders of culture.

The ANIMATED Learning Partnership is a 2 years project (2009–11) funded by the European Commission, Education and Culture DG, within the framework of the Grundtvig Lifelong Learning Programme.

ANIMATED Berlin Meeting

The first ANIMATED Meeting took place in Berlin from 4 to 5 November 2009.

On 4 November (11:00–19:00) the meeting took place at uqbar projectspace in Schwedenstrasse 16, Berlin. The Steering Group of the project discussed topics such as the structure of the Grundtvig learning partnership ANIMATED, and the further actions.

The partner organization uqbar e.V., VIVO/Ludwig Museum, Intercultura Consult presented their activities.

On 5 November (11:00–19:00) uqbar organized the workshop Berlin Independents, a guided tour through Berlin independent project spaces and artists' initiatives, with several encounters and short interviews.

The tour started from uqbar, hosting the exhibition "One Time One Million (Migratory Birds / Romantic Capitalism)" by Susanne Kriemann, and continued through other indipendent institutions in Wedding such as Art Laboratory Berlin and Artransponder.

Then the group visited organizations such as IGBK (Internationale Gesellschaft der Bildende Kuenste), where the group got an introduction into the scopes and activities of IGBK. After a short lunch break, the tour proceeded to Kreuzberg, in the project spaces Raum fuer Zweckfreiheit and Kwadrat, and the institutions Neue Gesellschaft fuer Bildende Kunst (NGBK) and Kunstraum Kreuzberg Bethanien. The tour ended at the bookshop Motto Berlin, an independent distribution company and publishing house.

Participants to the ANIMATED Berlin Meeting:

Marina Sorbello (uqbar e.V., Berlin); Antje Weitzel (uqbar e.V., Berlin); Jole Wilcke (uqbar e.V., Berlin); Tijana Stepanovic (Vivo Foundation, Budapest); Rita Kalman (Ludwig Museum, Budapest); Petya Koleva (Intercultura Consult, Sofia); Iveta Koleva (Intercultura Consult, Sofia); Iliana Dimitrova (National Academy for Theater and film arts, Sofia)