01 June 2010

12.6.- 13.6.2010: For what it’s worth (CULTURE VALUATION WORKSHOP) @ NGBK Berlin

Workshop venue

Hosted by uqbar partner of ANIMATED and NGBK, New Society for Visual Arts
Oranienstr. 25, 10999 Berlin, 1st Floor


In the past years, evaluation has become a sort of magic word in the cultural field. Companies offering evaluation services mushroomed, as well as schools, classes and universities forming evaluators. Measurable criteria have become the key to give value to cultural projects. Cultural institutions such as Pro Helvetia, for example, have engaged professional evaluation companies to rethink and rationalize their structure, cutting off the branches not considered effective enough or not having enough impact on the territory.
As a matter of fact, be it the public, the private or even the non-for-profit sector, we all have to come to term with evaluation tools and criteria in our practice. The question for the cultural practitioners is how to make the best use these tools and criteria, to get and make the best out of their projects and programmes.
The workshop For what it’s worth (CULTURE VALUATION WORKSHOP), organized jointly by Wibke Behrens (NGBK) and Marina Sorbello (uqbar), offers a series of inputs and insights on evaluation practices today, with the aim of producing a “collective evaluation toolkit”.
Both the experts invited for the inputs and to moderate the workshops, and the selected participants are asked to contribute to the workshop with information, experiences, advices, resources, texts and whatever can increase the expertise on evaluation issues. At the end of the workshop the resources (evaluation toolkit) will be distributed among the participants and online.

For question and registration please contact:
Wibke Behrens koordination@ngbk.de
Marina Sorbello msorbello@uqbar-ev.de

About ANIMATED Learning Partnership (2009-2011)

The ANIMATED Learning Partnership is a capacity building and creativity project resulting from the cooperation between Intercultura Consult (Sofia), uqbar e.V. (Berlin), VIVO Foundation (Budapest). The goal of ANIMATED is sharing best practices and encouraging cultural participation, through a series of self-organized, interdisciplinary workshops taking place in Berlin, Budapest and Sofia in 2009/2011. ANIMATED is funded by the European Commission, Education and Culture DG (Grundtvig Programme).

Schedule of the workshop For what it’s worth CULTURE VALUATION WORKSHOP


11.00 h Coffee+Tea
11.15 h Warming-Up with Mona Jas (1)
11.30 h Welcome and Introduction by Wibke Behrens (NGBK) and Marina Sorbello (uqbar)

12.00 h Input I: Screening of “Roland Berger Strategy Consultant”, a film by Antje Schiffers (2)
12.30 h Input II: Leonie Baumann, NGBK, Berlin (3)
13.00 h Input III: Dorothea Kolland, Kulturamt Neukoelln, Berlin (4)
13.30 h Input IV: Irina Cios, CIAC/ICCA Bucharest (5)

15.00 h Workshop moderated by Petya Koleva with Ruth Carrington, Intercultura Consult, Sofia (6)
- 19.00 h HOW TOs and tools of evaluation


11.00 h Coffee+Tea
11.15 h Exchange and Review
12.00 h Visit: the new Bethanien (meeting with Christoph Tannert/Nora Mayr)


Mona Jas (artist): At the centre of her work as an artist is the theme of individual identity within the political battleground of society. Memory, perception and language shape, consolidate and alter man’s inner identity, which shows itself to the outside world in lifestyles and rituals. She deals in her work from a variety of angles with the internal and external processes of this creation of identity. Her primary focus here is on critical observation of global practices and social mechanisms, especially the opportunity and freedom of individuals to take their own position towards the status quo.

Antje Schiffers (artist) often collaborates with businesses. Among her collaborations, she has made paintings for the consulting firm Bilfinger and Berger. In return, the Bilfinger and Berger advisers have produced a "business analysis" about Antje Schiffers. That was the deal. In this way, it was possible for Antje Schiffers to learn something about the consultant's own methods of work. The various artistic activities have been assessed as part of an investment portfolio and the artist was provided with strategic advice on how the artistic activities could "be better". The measure of success here were the economic indicators. It was of course immediately the question of what constitutes the success of an artist. The answer was obviously difficult and complex. Ultimately, it was noted that gaining attention is from the perspective of the artist is an important indicator of success.

Leonie Baumann, NGBK, is managing director at New Society for Visual Arts Berlin.
The New Society for Visual Arts (NGBK) – an art society with 850 members, people with different professions and ambitions: cultural workers, scientists, political activists, architects, artists, art theoreticians, sociologists, media studies experts, students… Through their work as volunteers they all go to make up the organisation's distinctive structure, in which all project-related decisions are taken at grass-roots and realized jointly.

Dorothea Kolland, Dr. phil.. Born 1947 in Bavaria, married, two children.
Studies in musicology, Italian language and sociology in Munich. Florence and Berlin.
Since 1981 director of cultural affairs in Berlin-Neukölln (called „the Bronx of Berlin“). Member of the German board of „Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft“ (NGO for cultural politics), for a long time member of the board of “Rat für die Künste” in Berlin (Assembly of the Berlin Culture), expert of the Council of Europe.
Political activities and publications on youth culture, community based arts, culture and migration, culture of ethnic communities, diversity, social exclusion and culture, social impact of the arts, art and education. Essays, reports, lectures.

Irina Cios (b. in București, RO) is art critic and curator, director of the International Center for Contemporary Art, Bucharest and guest lecturer at the National Art University. Initiator and curator of the SPACE CIAC Gallery (2000 – 2003) which was aimed at the promotion of experimental and media art. Since 2007, she started the ICCA’s artist in residency project “Under Construction”. She coordinates the MINUS UNU Gallery @ The Ark. Editor of contemporary art catalogues; Co-author of the volume Photography in contemporary Art. Trends in Romania, after 1989 (2006). Contributes with articles and interviews in catalogues, journals and magazines like: Observator Cultural, Artelier, Balkon, Secolul 21, Praesens, Idea etc. Since 2006 president of the Romanian section of the AICA - International Association of Art Critics.

Petya Koleva is a researcher in the arts since 1999 and an active expert on EU policies in the field of culture since 2004. Having studied Russian and English languages and Russian, British and American Culture Studies, specialising in Social and Political Science and Arts Theory Research she focuses in particular on multi-cultural, international cooperation projects. She has experience in implementing regional projects involving EU networks and EU neighbouring countries. Together with experts of ICC she offers trainings on European cultural funding instruments. As an evaluator she is experienced in EC Marie Curie Actions of the 7Framework programme and Culture 2007-2013 programme as well as the European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument - EuropeAid. She is managing director of Inter Cultura Ltd – consultancy for arts and culture organisations or activities.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to our host at NGBK in Berlin for a very interesting event. I hope to be able to participate more in the future. Anyone interested in my work on clubs please contact me! best wishes Ruth Cherrington
